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Head in Hands

For Men

Helpful information to understand women's health.

Do you think she's pregnant?

You are not alone in this situation. The two of you can get through this. She needs you now more than ever.  It’s vitally important that you provide her with the support she needs --emotionally and physically. Here are some tips on how you do this.

What to do:

Talk with her and listen to her. Keep the lines of communication open between the two of you at all times. DO NOT close yourself off emotionally because this situation involves more than just you!

Be there for her. She needs you now more than ever before.

Talk with the people who care. In addition to keeping the lines of communication open between the two of you, it’s important to discuss the situation with parents and others who’ll be directly affected. Keeping this a secret will only add to the stress – yours and hers.

Educate yourself. Collect information and seek advice from people you trust.

Be honest with her and yourself. Own and share at all times how you feel. You’ll be surprised at how much it will help her to know that you share the same concerns. You’ll be surprised at what you learn about yourself. And you’ll be proud that you're standing tall together!

What Not To Do:

You may be nervous or unsure of what your next step is in this life-changing event.  Don’t run from your responsibilities or abandon the mother of your child.  This life is a gift and can create wonderful opportunities for you and your baby.  Allow us to help you make the right decision for you, your baby, and the mother of your baby.


If you and your partner have conflicting ideas about how to proceed with this unplanned pregnancy, please visit us for consulting, counseling, and verification that your partner is indeed pregnant, and to assist you in choosing life over death.  We have many programs and offerings in our facility to assist you from sonograms to verify that there is a baby, to referrals and in-house counseling, items needed by you and the baby, and many more.  You can work together to provide this new life with wonderful opportunities.


Continue talking with your partner.  You need to make this decision together.  You need to support each other as well as this new life.  You have a new life that you helped create and he or she deserves the best from you both  Don’t give up on each other or this precious new life.

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